* This file will let me quickly set up a computer to meet my specifications.
* To use it all I have to do is hold down the Command and Option keys while opening it,
* or choose "Preview" if I've already got it open, and then follow the directions in the list.
* It comes in really handy after I've crashed the System so bad that
* I need to reformat the hard drive, plus I can take it with me if a friend asks for
* help in setting up their Mac...
Set the text highlight color to Purple, and the Accent to Lavender
System Fonts-> Charcoal, Geneva, Geneva 10
Turn off font smoothing
Reset the Desktop Pattern. - get the old one from OS 8.5 CD: CD Extras:Additional Desktop Patterns
Turn off Menu, Window, Control and Finder sound effects
Turn off smart scrolling and "double click title bar to collapse window"
Save the resulting theme so I can get back to it after messing around
Apple Menu Options
Turn off "Remember Recently used items".
Turn on Submenus.
Set up AppleTalk through the Printer port.
Use the Calibrate option in the Monitors and sound Control Panel to set up the Monitor before messing with this, then come back and set the System profile and RGB default to match the monitor.
Control Strip
Turn off Contol Strip.
Energy Saver
Set Sleep time to 30 min.
Set wakeup sound to Indigo (Under Notification in Prefs Menu)
Extensions Manager
Get rid of extra printer drivers. -keep just your printer/ Laserwriter/ and an imagewriter driver
Turn off Web Sharing and Web Sharing Extension - These two will cause Mac to connect to network every time it starts up.
Turn off AOL Scheduler, Control Strip, Ethernet, GX Graphics, Kaleidoscope, QuickTime VR.
General Controls
Set Location for document saving to last Application folder.
Turn off "Improper Shutdown" warning.
Turn off Folder Protection.
Turn off the Launcher.
Set Keyboard repeat rates.
Location Manager
Once everything else is set up, use this to save the settings.
That way I can get them back if they get messed up.
Map is outdated, incompatible with Date & Time - throw it away
Turn off virtual memory if you hear the hard drive thrashing.
The VM setting is NOT right for a Mac with 96 Megs of RAM.
Buy more memory. A well heeled System wants 22 Megs of its own...
US Robotics and other 33.6 users, install the "Additional Modem Scripts" found in the "CD Extras" folder.
Monitors & Sound
Set Monitor to thouisands of colors.
Set the sound to: Droplet
Turn down the volume.
Use the Calibrate option to set up the Monitor - then goto ColorSync to set the System profile and RGB default.
Speed up the Mouse.
PC Exchange
Remove it. File exchange shouldbe used instead
QuickTime™ Settings
Register 8.5 and get # for QuickTime Pro
Turn the silly Talking Alerts
Install speech recognition
Web Sharing
Turn off Web Sharing, and remove both Control Panel and extension so that it doesn't try to go online every time the computer is started. Better yet, do a custom de-install of web sharing and Apple remote access; unless you intend to use them.
* The last two lines have got nothing to do with "Text"
* I'm just using them to display notes on the non-Control Panel Settings I need to make.
* If I selected "Show Unavailable Choices" in the Preferences dialog, I could
* type in a bogus Control Panel name,e.g " Other Settings" and put the lines under that,
* but this way the lines show up no matter how I've got the preferences set.
General Notes:
I like Freds' voice.
Make sure that the right printer is set up in the Chooser.
Use Get Info on the Trash to turn off the stupid trash warning.
Be sure to turn off Web Sharing and Web Sharing Extension - These two will cause Mac to connect to network every time it starts up.